Considering To Get Multiple Title Loans? Things You Need To Know

A lot of people are always in a worry when they are facing tough financial situations and make some decisions in a hurry which they regret for years to come. No wonder this is not a favorable situation, and making decisions in a fraction of a second can lead to some serious outcomes. Opting for traditional loans can be troublesome in the long run. However, to be in a safer environment, it is better to opt for title loans Anaheim, CA. Title loans are secured loans where you have a high chance of getting same-day cash without wandering from one place to another. 

There is no doubt about the fact that title loans have been a savior of many people and only require minimal documentation. However, there are still so many doubts when it comes to getting multiple title loans. There are many benefits of getting auto title loans. But what if you want two title loans? Is this possible? Is it safe? Today you will get all your answers; continue reading. 

Is it possible to get two title loans on one vehicle? 

There are many people or borrowers who are always trying to get car collateral loans on more than one car or vehicle. In case you are confused about that possibility, then you should know that you cannot get title loans on the same vehicle or car. If you have a title loan on one of your cars or motorbikes, then you cannot get another title loan on the same car or motorbike. 

The reason behind this is that you are already borrowing money on the vehicle, which means you are getting money equal to its value. Due to this, you are not eligible to exceed the value of your vehicle or car in terms of financing. Thus, getting two title loans on one vehicle is not possible. 

Is it possible to get two title loans on different vehicles? 

It is mentioned above that you cannot get two title loans on the same vehicle for the reason explained. But there is also one situation that creates curiosity among borrowers, which is to get two title loans Anaheim, CA, on two different vehicles. In case you have more than one car or vehicle, then luck is on your side. You can always use more than one of your vehicles as collateral to get two or more title loans against your vehicles. In simple words, you have higher chances of getting multiple loans on multiple vehicles or cars, but only if their titles are cleared. 

Does getting a second title loan can affect my credit?

Getting a second title loan can be easy if you have a second vehicle. But a lot of borrowers are also concerned about how a second title loan will affect their credit score. However, you can keep your mind at ease as getting a second title loan will not affect your credit score, whether it is in a positive or negative way. 

It is also evident that your lender will not report the payments to any of the third credit reporting bureaus. In case you fail to repay the borrowed money, you are selected lender will only repossess your vehicle or car. Or he can sell your car or vehicle to repay the debt. Therefore, it is possible that your lender will not even report your borrowed money or put you as a defaulter in front of the bureaus. 

Know the requirements and documents for a second title loan

There are certain requirements complete even for your second car collateral loan. The initial thing that you need to know is that in a state that allows two title loans. If you do, then you can easily get your second title loan. 

Depending on your selected lender, you can get a title loan of around 25% to 75% of the value of your vehicle. However, you need to complete certain requirements and submit documents to your lender to get an instant cash loan. Here are some of them mentioned below: 

• Your age – You must be of 18 years or above to qualify for title loans. If you are below the age of 18 years but own a vehicle, you still cannot get a title loan against your vehicle. Therefore, consider your age as a factor in getting title loans. 

• ID proof – No lender will be able to offer you your second title loan if you are unable to offer your government-issued ID to him. It is essential to provide as it allows the lender to understand whether you are a citizen of a particular state or not. 

• Clear vehicle title – If you own a second vehicle and want to get a title loan Anaheim, CA, against it, then your vehicle should have a clear title. Or it should be lien-free. If there is any other loan going against it, then you won’t be able to get a title loan. 

• Income proof – The next document which is required by the lender is your income proof. You should be able to send it in the form of your utility bills, taxes, etc. This ensures that you will be able to repay the borrowed money. 

• Vehicle inspection – The next requirement to get your second title loan is a vehicle inspection. You can easily send pictures of your car or vehicle to your selected lender. This is crucial because the lender needs to know whether your car or vehicle is in good condition or not.

• No active duty in the military – To get your second car collateral loan, it is essential that you should not be on active duty in the military. Most borrowers do not know this fact, but it is an essential one.


It is easy to get your second title loan against your vehicle, but there are some rules and regulations that you need to follow to experience a smooth title loan process. The above-mentioned details about a second title loan will help you understand what you need to do and what not. 


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