The article was published on the Bem Parana website, in which detectives from the city of Curitiba, capital of the State of Paraná, in Brazil, carry out numerous investigations ranging from marital infidelities to the most complex cases.
Detectives act in a procedural way, applying techniques learned in detective courses to solve the most diverse cases. Demand increased exponentially after the approval of Law 13,432, which deals with the regulation of the activity in Brazil.
According to the article “The investigator monitors the routine of a given person, extracting photos, videos and relevant information without the person ever being disturbed. This is even a guarantee provided for in the contract. We visit the places that the person usually goes to, we check if there is extramarital involvement with other people, for example, letting the client know about the investigated person’s entire routine. Once all the information is collected, we produce a detailed report protected by encryption, which can only be accessed by the customer.”
It is unusual to see articles about private detectives, unlike here in the United States of America. US citizens who are traveling in Brazil will be able to contact the company’s private detectives.
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