SEO Training Insitiute in Delhi

Add description for your Article from here.Delhi Digital Guru Institute in Delhi Provides the best practical training to the student during the SEO course. We Provide training in a way that students learn fastly and master SEO. Our Course Structure is divided into ways that every student can adapt the method either a Technical Student or a Nontechnical Student.


We are the only institute that teaches the student how relevant visitors come to the website so they learn techniques and master them.


Our aim is for the maximum student who can take benefit from our institute. The SEO course has its own benefits for students because they can take the challenges that come with SEO from time to time.


The SEO Course Divided into three parts 


On-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO

Technical SEO

Many of us listen that SEO has Only two parts But it is not true. In present-day Technical SEO has its own importance because without a technical part you cannot rank a website there are many websites that need a full SEO audit to rank on google. 


Now Learn these three parts deeply



 1. ON Page SEO – It refers to the optimization of the website from the inside for improving search engine ranking to gain organic traffic. In the on-page, there are many factors that are included.


 meta title and description

 URL optimization 

 keyword density

Headings optimization 

And many more factors are included on the page.


All These factors you learn in our course and become expert in it.


2. OFF page SEO – It refers to optimization of the website from outside for improving search engine ranking to gain organic traffic. On the off-page, there are also many factors that are included. 


Mainly backlink is created in off-page SEO and they are many types


Social bookmarking 

Article Submission

Guest Posting

Image Submission

In off-page SEO there are different methods of creating backlinks for search engine ranking you can become an expert in it after the Course is Completed. 


3. Technical SEO – Basically it refers to the technical part of SEO which is work under it. Example 404 Error and robot text. And canonical tags and many more are included in the Technical SEO, it is very important that our website looks good to our visitors and they do not face any problems while opening the website. 


Why Choose us for  Learning  Search Engine Optimization

In our SEO course you can learn which factors affect the SEO most for ranking and how can you improve it. After learning from our institute you can become a pro in SEO fields because our institute mainly focuses on practical learning rather than theory. For improving search engine ranking you should focus on all three fields of SEO, from basic to advance our course strategy in a way that everyone can learn from it.


 The best-qualified trainer teaches our students in a way that they can apply real methods according to the situation in SEO.

 Our Modules are updated and based on practical learning 

 Live Projects are provided to the student for learning practical experience. 

Doubts sessions are provided in each session

Study Material provided to the student for revision of our course.   


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